On behalf of the staff, students and school community of Rainbow Beach State School, I would like to sincerely welcome you to our school's webpage.
Throughout this website you will discover more about our vibrant school and community including policies and procedures that we use to ensure a high quality learning environment for your children, as well as the unique learning opportunities and support that our school offers to students. Our school is a caring and friendly community and we value the input of all of our parents and students.
At Rainbow Beach State School we aim to create a secure, stable, happy and harmonious learning environment to achieve quality educational outcomes for all. We strive for excellence, encouraging each child to reach for their individual “Rainbow of success”. Our students, staff and parents value the unique opportunities our school provides for students and value the links that our school has created with various members of the community since its inception in 1986.
Rainbow Beach is located approximately 265 km north of Brisbane, 76 km east of Gympie and 10 kilometres south of Fraser Island on the Cooloola Coast, Queensland, Australia. Rainbow Beach is a vibrant young town, which has a relaxed atmosphere and is extremely popular with holidaymakers, 4WD enthusiasts and backpackers. This town has a wide range of outstanding natural attractions, such as the coloured sands, the Carlo Sand Blow, Double Island Point and Inskip Point - launching point for Fraser Island. This town has a permanent population of approximately 1200 resident.
Rainbow Beach was originally known as Back Beach and was home to a large sand mining industry until 1976. The town now takes its name from the towering coloured sand cliffs nearby, which are part of an aboriginal legend. The legend states that an ancient aboriginal God called Yiningie (representing a rainbow) threw himself into the sand cliffs in a fight over a woman, spreading his ‘colourful’ spirits across the cliffs.
Rainbow Beach State School was established in 1986 and is located on the most easterly point of the mainland in the North Coast Region. Our school population is about 86 primary children. These student numbers provide four multi-age co-educational classrooms, from Prep to year 6.
Steve Bennett - Principal